GEWICHT: 50 kg
BH: 75C
60 min:90€
Strap-on: +30€
Services: Fusserotik, Deep Throat, Anilings, Spanisch, Franzosisch
Contact Admin. This press kit for Waterkant covers all basic information you need to know about the festival. We provide press pictures to use from different areas of the festival as well as our official festival logo. Using the publicity photos is only permitted for articles on the Waterkant Festival on- and offline. All other forms are strictly prohibited or need to be arranged with our team. So what is Waterkant?
An extraordinary mix of interactive workshops, inspiring speakers and informal exchange, takes place right at the waterside of the MFG5 area in Kiel. The festival, now in its 4th year, is open to everyone to explore ideas that are changing the way we live and work, and check out the innovative products and technologies of the future.
The program is mostly in English. The focus on both days is to establish dialogue, networks and cooperations between companies, startups, organisations and the general public. And we care about the environment so we are trying to organize this event as waste-free and eco-friendly as possible!
Waterkant festival is primarily funded by the Schleswig-Holstein Ministry of Economy, Labor, Transport and Technology, with additional support from local partners. The organizer of the event is the opencampus. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Login Signup. Signup Login Contact Admin.
Georgette 25 Kiel SH, Landeshauptstadt. Verifiziertes Foto. Celeste 18 Schleswig-Holstein. Catarina 23 Kiel SH, Landeshauptstadt. Sxx Göttin!!!!! Birgitta 18 Kiel SH, Landeshauptstadt.