GEWICHT: 58 kg
Titten: 80 D natur
60 min:100€
Abfahrt: +30€
Intime Dienste: Bisexuell: ja, Sex auf der Stra?e, Sex in Bath, Kussen, Extra langes Vorspiel
Our female guests offer their services on a freelance basis and they are not employed by FKK Sharks. Any agreements on the nature of the service and the amount of remuneration, as well as the payment are a matter of arrangement between our guests and will not give rise to a contractual or business relationship with FKK Sharks.
The female guests operate exclusively in in their own name and for their own account. The admission price does not include any services of female guests or massage therapists working on a freelance basis. Keep fit and healthy in our inviting sauna area, with jacuzzi, whirlpool, swimming pool and herbal Thai massage, before sweating off the stresses and strains of everyday life in the sauna.
Entirely in keeping with the nudist culture, most of the girls opt to go naked and flaunt their feminine curves. Imprint Datenschutz. Diese Website enthält für Minderjährige ungeeignetes Material.
Sie dürfen auf diese Website nur dann zugreifen wenn Sie mindestens 18 Jahre alt sind. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass die anwesenden weiblichen Gäste nicht als Mitarbeiterinnen des FKK Sharks tätig sind, sondern als selbständige Unternehmerinnen, in eigenem Namen und auf eigene Rechnung.
Day ticket. Entry fee. Outdoor area open. Large Pool fully airconditioned wood cabins Well-tended garden Numerous loungers and day-beds. Well-tended, extensive garden with large pool and numerous loungers. Outdoor pool, various saunas, steam bath, jacuzzis, massage. Fine-tune your look with cosmetics and personal grooming. Directions from Mannheim. Data Protection Policy German. Facebook Twitter. Ich bin mindestens 18 Jahre und habe den Hinweis zur Kenntnis genommen:.